
Wednesday, December 12, 2012


So, i've decided to revive this space. Updates on special things that happened to me to keep a memory of what my life was like. TTFN.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Got to get in touch with my literary,musical and girly side more often.

Reflecting about life

I love long bus rides. It always gives me time to think about life and well, since i don't actually own an ipod and my phone has almost no battery all the time, i occupy myself by looking out of the window and making observations in my head. There're so many things that i should be, could be doing at this very moment in time, but i have no idea why i'm not doing those. I've let people down, i've made some people happy, but what meaning does my life have? I am somewhat materialistic, i'm not perfect, neither am i an overachiever that is on the route of success. Sometimes, i just don't know what to think anymore.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My new baby!

Finally got it from Yamaha and i can't wait to be able to play it likka pro! Been wanting to learn it since long ago, and i do mean long ago like Primary/Secondary School long but i just never got the chance to. Imprints on fingers? The results will be worth it!!! Can't wait till end of Sat to fully enjoy learning to play!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hey-Oh to Week 3

Am gonna miss my babezzzz who's gone off to London for like 4 years.......... and i didn't get to send her off. Major Sigh. Glad i got to catch up with her and the rest like a week before she left though, major memories forevazxs and am gonna go to LONDON while she's there...someday.

Work's well, mundane and the same-o same-o. Gives a whole new meaning to the term TGIF though cause this time i can actually feel the excitement when it's thursday and friday and leading up to the weekend. Wednesday's the new day i hate most, midweek is a hell lot worse than Mondays, trust me.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Week 2

Week 2 of internship -

x Had lunch with these 2 cutesy tutsies on Wednesday at TP, had to figure a way out of the uluest part of the world...
x This whole system is so new to me i gotta get used to it
x Trying to find a definitive style for myself, is it something that can be made or even seen by yourself?
x ways to make my life more enriching.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Be the trend, don't follow the trend

Freedom from judgments and trends, i'm just going to be the best me there ever was. Who cares what is right or what is wrong, who has the right to say what is right or wrong, i'm my own person and i'm my own self, on the way to making myself a better me.