
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ode to a wonderful 3 years

On Friday it was the last group presentation for this sem, which would be the last i'm ever going to do in NP, Mixed feelings - Happy to get it out of the way, sad cause it means the life that i have gotten so used to is going to end as it is! Our presentation was a major success, refreshing style that was kinda tough considering we only started preparing on the morning itself but well done everyone!! :)

As the saying goes, friends come and go, and keeping friendships alive is all about who is willing to make the first move to keep the friendship going. As far as i know, I would want to keep this friendship between the 6 of us going strong and alive! It's hard to find a group where you can click with, much less a group which kinda balances each other out and having similar interests. They have definitely made my life in poly hell lots better and more wonderful, but i'll save the many stories for a post during graduation (which is far too early now to be counting my eggs before they hatch)

Meanwhile, back to studying for the last exam papers in a while.. (but not before i finish watching Australia)

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